Early this morning Natalie went down on Matt yet again. That is at least three times that I know of.
Difference is now pretty much everyone knows, Matt confirmed it to Ryan and Adam this morning and James told Chelsia and Joshua that she did it again last night. James thinks that is why Natalie is so hung up on Matt.
They have made a reference to 2 to 5 a few times - I think it is in reference to Natalie thinking the internet feed is off between 2am and 5am - of course she is wrong.
In other news.... James is contemplating taking Matt off the block and putting up Adam - the reason being I think is to get Shelia out because she is driving the whole house crazy (see the post below).
However - as I type this Shelia is telling Sharon that she is worried she will go home and sounds like she wants James to put up Adam as well (lol - little does she know Adam would probbly be safer than Ryan is).
BB gave them the croquette mallets from last season so they think some type of luxury competition might be in the works. I don't think so because I think they have enough film for Tuesday and Wednesday's show.
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