However, Taylor Momsen indeed far more important things to do than pay attention in school because she is doing”training" as a cool rocker bride.
A few geography Kenntnissse there can not hurt but what can I say? Were mainly the straps and sit as the good Taylor her concert audience in Glasgow with an 8.15 einheizen saying it has entered into mega-blunders "! You are the coolest crowd in England" Unfortunately, however, lies in Glasgow Scotland and since you're most proud of his heritage here.
It may not if one is called "English". Hysterical cries and screams "We are here in Scotland!" That's why even a few boos were first on stage-it has probably not really noticed Momsen Taylor but at least she has apologized the next day on Twitter at:
"Glasgow, I love you, and now I tour through Scotland (ha-ha, sorry for the little mistake)."
Well, the true fans will forgive her the most, but her modeling agency IMG "is there something seemingly irreconcilable and have their contract terminated. They have evolved in different directions and wish her well for the future good. Ohhhh now must Pottschalk poor Taylor really time to console...
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