Already people on this board and others are saying that Ryan made a dumb move in keeping Adam. Truthfully, his dumb move was the head gesture to Adam as Sharon was leaving the house. Let's ignore that for this discussion.
Everybody, including those in the house, has their own voting scenarios. I don't see it as so cut and dry. When it comes down to actually voting during the series finale, it's not always friendships and alliances that guide the votes.
So the head gesture is probably ensuring a victory for Adam, but if he kept Sheila instead of Adam I'm not so sure that he'd still have the votes to win. There is still the bias against Jen, and Ryan has created phony alliances with almost everybody in the house.
I could also see some people rewarding Sheila for simply managing to survive despite all of her bitching, poor gameplay, and other phobias and excuses. Yes, being a bad player could have possibly been an asset.
Thank God Ryan made sure that scenario doesn't indeed happen.
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