
Big Brother - Season 9, Episode 29 Recap

Here we go with the most vital, important, crucial, nutty, idiotic eviction night ever, along with a HOH competition that is the most important ever!

For the first time this season, we really don’t know what’s going to happen. Over the last two days, Ryan and Adam have gone back and forth over whether to evict Natalie or Sharon. If the feeds are indeed accurate, more than one person could be surprised tonight.

After the recaps, we go right into the typical eviction night template. Natalie’s been put on the block, so let’s hear what everybody thinks of this move. Sharon inexplicably claims that “being on the block against Natalie is probably going to be the best time ever! She definitely is convinced she’s staying no matter what. She has no idea how bad they want her out.”

Natalie verifies Sharon’s assessment. “I feel very safe being up on the block. We’re still sticking to the plan, and I’m going to be the pawn this week and Sharon is going to go home.” Sheila says that they definitely have to get Natalie out this week, and that it’s going to be a “shocker” to her. Well, it would if people would not talk 24/7.

Adam is reading the Bible, and Natalie walks in and pretends to beg to stay. She gets a little more serious and claims that she’s still sticking to the plan that has her, Ryan, and Adam as the final three. “Have I ever lied to you guys?” Ryan says it’s hard to know what to believe from her, as she’s playing all the sides.

The next day, while the girls are all sunning, Ryan and Adam have a little meeting. They decide to bring all the girls in for a house meeting to find out who is telling the truth. “It’s going to get nasty’, Ryan says.

Once again, Natalie walks into the bedroom and informs the boys that they better keep her. “Don’t mess with me.” Adam asks her why she keeps questioning them, and Ryan informs her of the meeting. Natalie immediately gets paranoid. “What could they possibly want to talk about? I don’t understand.”

Natalie goes running to Sheila. “They’re trying to mess with me. I don’t know what they’re trying to do but they’re telling me we need having a meeting tonight. I’m not going have any meeting of theirs…I think I’m going to end up going home.” Sheila is pissed. “What are Ryan and Adam up to? This is freaking me out.”

The boys call their meeting to order, but Natalie says she can’t be a part of it because she’s in the middle of dying her hair. Since Natalie won’t come out for “three minutes”, they all move into the bathroom. “I don’t even want to have this stupid meeting”, complains Natalie. “My stress levels are already high enough by being on the block.”

Adam tells her this for her own benefit. Sheila and Sharon look on in disbelief as Ryan talks about her deals with Team Christ and the Girl’s Club, and whom she has promised to put up next week (if she survives). “What are your true loyalties?”

Natalie finally admits that her true loyalties are with the boys, which pisses Sheila off. “So you’re saying you’re going to put me on the block.” Natalie is quiet for a second, but then admits that if she won HOH she would have to put her on the block. An old clip of Natalie saying she’s going to evict Adam is played, but Natalie defends herself by saying that every time that discussion has happened she has come back to the boys with info. “No, you’ve thrown us under the bus”, Ryan counters. “I didn’t throw you under the bus bus.” What does that even mean, Natalie?

To deflect more criticism, Natalie throws Sharon and Sheila under the bus by claiming they’ve both said that Adam is their target. Stupidly, both of them sit their saying nothing. After a little more of nothing, Adam proclaims the meeting is adjourned.

Sheila couldn’t be more pissed because her plan has been exposed, but I’ll save all of you from reading the stupidity that came from her mouth. Adam and Ryan reconvene in the bedroom, and Ryan says the new plan is to point out that “you’re either with us or you’re going home”.

They head back to the bathroom to talk some more. Stupidly, Sharon and Sheila are nowhere near the conversation. Well, it’s probably for the best because they did nothing to help themselves the first time. Natalie continues to deny that she’s playing both sides – “I lied to them but I’ve never lied to you.” She admits to some mistakes while turning on the tears, which of course gets to these meatheads. “They’re the ones who put up all of these ideas, and I just sitting there agreeing because I don’t want them thinking I’m in cahoots with you two.” (Note to CBS producers – the “inspirational” music stinks.) The boys hug her and tell her everything’s ok.

We now jump ahead another day (which CBS doesn’t tells us) and while preparing dinner, Natalie jumps all over Sharon. “Why did you throw me under the bus and talk so much smack about me? In the background, Adam can be seen laughing. Sharon looks at her incredulously and says that time after time it’s been Natalie that has initiated those talks about the boys. Natalie denies any of that has ever happened, and continues to say they are where her loyalties lay.

A bit later, and Sheila is cussing out Ryan and Adam. “What is going on with you two? Who are we keeping?” Adam defends himself by saying he plays with his heart. “Do you have any kiwis, or a spine right now?” They go back and forth a bit, and Ryan points out that Sharon has never done anything for either of them. Sheila’s so pissed she kicks them both out of the HOH.

After commercials, we go to Julie’s interviews with the houseguests. The first question goes to Sharon and Sheila, and why they said so little during the confrontation with Natalie. Sharon says that it “wasn’t my battle”. Oh boy. Sheila admits that she was upset because Natalie threw her under the bus, and that she’s now with the boys.

Ryan is asked why they did this in a group forum, and he says it had to be done that way for Natalie’s sake. He adds that “for the most part” he accomplished what he wanted.

Oooh, Julie goes with a tough question. Who would each person rather sit next to in the finals – a good player or a person easy to beat. Adam says he wants to be next to somebody deserving because “I can beat anybody”. Natalie and Sharon agree, and finally Ryan and Sheila chime in that they also agree.

Time for the jury house, and Matty’s birthday dream of James’s eviction coming true. My girl Chelsia is bored, and she adds that she definitely has feelings for James. Josh, of course, is pissed that he was evicted by Natalie. Matt says he’s getting a “little stir crazy” because he’s stuck with people that he doesn’t like. Chelsia adds that it would suck to see James walk in the door, because that means somebody she doesn’t like would be walking away with $500,000.

It’s now the moment of truth, as we see James getting out of the limo. Matt couldn’t be more happy to see James walk in, as “payback’s a bitch”. Chelsia says it’s great to see him, but she’d rather have seen him when “I’m voting for him to win”. After a toast, James pops in the DVD of the previous week. Chelsia and Josh both groan when they see Adam winning HOH, but they’re shocked when his key is pulled out. “He gave me a chance to play in the veto. Watch the utter demise of James right here.”

“So you got backdoored just like I did”, says Matt after viewing the eviction. Surprisingly, James chastises Chelsia for her fiery exit. “The reason the house wanted me out was because of your comments you made when you left the house. By you blowing out everybody in the house, I was evicted because I was the residue of Chelsia.” Poor Chelsia leaves the room bawling. Chelsia says that she’s upset that the only person she cared about in the house was evicted because of her.

Saying he didn’t want to see her like this, James comes into the room to comfort her. I can’t say I blame him. He tells her that he’s ok with leaving the house because he knows he “fell for a girl”. They embrace, and the sappy Hollywood ending is over. Even I’m a bit nauseated by this.

It’s now time for the eviction, and as usual we begin with final speeches. As usual, we get the “if it’s my time to go…” junk from Sharon. Natalie almost gives us a Sharon Stone peak as she stands up to thank Big Brother for the “experience of a lifetime”. She apologizes to her “boys” for her mistakes, and to please vote for her because they know where her loyalties stand with them. Oh yeah, and once again she says she wants to see the mini-table.

Ryan votes first, and elects to evict Natalie! Adam’s up next, and as planned he votes to evict Sharon. Finally, Sheila must do something (besides whining) in this game. OMG, Natalie is shocked when she hears it’s a tie, and immediately starts giving Natalie the biggest puppy dog stare ever. Sheila’s also not happy, but stands up and tells Natalie that “you just told all of America, and everyone in this house, where your loyalty lies. I stay this week, and you would evict me. You did say that in the back room that I would be on the block. I can’t risk this right now when there (are) five people sitting here. I’m sorry, Natalie, but I’m evicting you.”

Natalie’s devastated, and tries to get some explanation from the boys as she hugs them goodbye. “This doesn’t feel right”, she says to Julie as she makes the walk to her set.

We go back to the house, and Sheila and Adam are arguing about why they made her break the tie. As usual, after her whining she says “it’s fine”…but then whines some more because she couldn’t “risk it”.

Julie begins by pumping up Natalie’s morale by saying she looked like a sure thing for the final four. What happened? Obviously, Natalie has no clue. “I really was going to be loyal to those boys, and I’m really kind of shocked right now they let it go to a tie.” Julie asks if she’s mad at them. Well, duh. “They both told me they were going to vote to keep me.”

She carries on this loyalty theme when Julie asks about playing both sides. “I wanted to protect the boys. I didn’t want the girls knowing I was with the boys in case they won HOH.” Girl, that’s exactly what everybody was bitching about!

We conclude Natalie’s segment with the goodbye messages. Sharon says she was evicted simply because everybody heard different things from her. Ryan says he’s sorry, and that’s really about it. Adam, though, goes on about how he loves her. “I think you’re the sweetest person ever…it’s strictly a game play move here.” Sheila concludes by saying they had both good and bad times, and she had to put somebody up and she’s sorry it was her. They both start balling.

We move on the HOH competition. This game’s called “Fact or Fiction”, and well, you can figure out how this one works. The first question regards Allison, and Adam is the only one to get it wrong. Surprisingly everybody gets the guinea pig question wrong. They have no idea on whether a question about Chelsia in the jury house is correct, and Sharon is the only one to guess that she wasn’t taken out by security. (Tee hee.) Too bad Natalie’s not around for the next one, as it’s whether the number eight has a secret meaning in the game. Adam is the only one to say it is true, but it’s fiction.

Interesting – next they’re asked if Amanda’s fainting was fake. Everybody gets that one correct. Another jury house question is next, and it’s whether James and Chelsia are no longer speaking. Everybody guesses correctly.

We’re now at the final question, and Sharon’s leading by one point. The question is whether there was a third secret relationship still in the house. Ryan guesses fact, while the other two guess fiction. OMG, the correct answer is fact!!!

This means we have a tie between Ryan and Sharon. They must guess the total combined minutes everybody stayed in last week’s glass house competition. Oh boy. Sharon guesses 184, while Ryan has written 310. The correct answer is 557 minutes, which means Ryan is HOH!!! (Once again, Sharon has it in the bag, and screws it up in the end.)

But the real question everybody has regards this third relationship. Who could it be? I’m sure we’ll find out soon. Well, we have to as the show ends in 12 days.

Edit: I guess it's the guinea pigs. I didn't see it on the screen, but I guess it was shown. That won't stop the house from talking about it for the rest of their stay.

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