
Kimbra Hickey wants a role in Breaking Dawn


Kimbra Hickey
is the very first thing new Twilight fans see when they start reading Stephenie Meyer’s book series.
Well, at least parts of Kimbra Hickey.
Her hands are the ones holding a red apple on the mega-bestseller’s famous cover.
“It was major exposure for my hands. But nobody knew who I was,” she tells the New York Post.
“I see people reading it on the subway, and I say, ‘Those are my hands! I’m a hand model!’”
“I’m sure they think I’m crazy — a crazy lady on the subway.”
Now the New Yorker occasionally offers autographs near her local bookstore’s cash register when someone picks up a copy of the book. She also attends fan conventions, where she markets hand lotion — apple-scented, of course.
She’s expressed interest in being cast in theBreaking Dawn movie, “even if they only wanted my hands in it.”


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