
Ed Westwick Says Both Him & Robert Pattinson Are Representing Brits in Hollywood


Another day, another tall, dark, hand­some Brit in Hol­ly­wood? West­wick nods at the ref­er­ence to Eng­lish actor Robert Pat­tin­son, who plays dash­ing vam­pire Edward Cullen in the Twi­light films. Both are narrow-eyed, deep-voiced, chisel-jawed and beguil­ingly pouty – not that we’ve thought about it much.

‘Yup, there seems to be some­thing going on right now,’ he laughs. ‘I can’t fig­ure it out but we’re def­i­nitely representing’.

Source: MetroUK via KStewRob­Fans via The Lost World of Lola

via ThinkingofRob


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