Ok, so you're all going to be spared the 10,000 word essay this Sunday as I am currently in Minneapolis and will be watching Springsteen while the show airs. So here are my predictions as to what you're going to see tomorrow night:
1. The recap of Wednesday's epsiode will be much longer than normal, so the can include the reactions to James' evictions, the "Mystery Guest" vote, and James' return.
2. The beginning of the HOH comp, with reactions to looking at the contraption they had to hang from. I sooooo hope they use Sheila to describe how the competition works. They'll show the first few people drop (and their explanations) before the commercial break.
3. It's down to four, and we'll then see Sharon and my girl Chelsia drop. Right before the next commercial break, we'll see Nat and James start to negotiate.
4. Continued negotiations up to the point Nat falls. Look for overly-dramatic music as she pukes and stumbles around, followed by sweet piano music as Matt comforts her. Segment ends with James and Chelsia diary room celebrations.
5. Lots of Sheila, and I mean lots. Her "revelation" as she was watching Natalie in the HOH comp, and her telling this heartwarming story over and over to everybody. Expect a teary diary room comment or two, along with laughter from the others.
6. James gets his HOH key. Natalie will be shown being bummed that she didn't get her pictures, but will be happy that James asked.
7. The big question of who will James nominate? Footage of him and Chelsia talking about it, and various people (particularly Ryan and Matt) having words with him. Diary room entries from Matt and Nat hoping that he's a man of his word.
8. The actual nominations.
I'll be checking Monday morning to see how I did!
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