Things seemed to have calmed down, even though Chelsia and Natalie are still spouting off about the other.
Chelsia thinks Natalie doesn't have a high school education. She also feels really bad for her. She is bringing up when Matt kissed her in the supply room, and is playing completely innocent in that. She could have pushed him away sooner than she did. Chelsia found it disgusting that Natalie stayed on the disco ball for Matt. I agree with this point. Natalie is a classic case of the battered and abused woman. She'll take any kind of pain from a guy she's interested in, and put herself through massive amounts of pain to seem better in the eyes of that person. It was sad to me that she made a deal that included Matt. They weren't partners and he was ruining her game. Chelsia's worried that the show will ruin Natalie completely. But she will pray for her and hopes that Natalie can come out of this a better person.
What James has said to her did strike a chord inside Chelsia. She's still kind of talking smack on Natalie, but she's also giving her some praise by calling her a beautiful girl and saying she does mean well in life. The reason why Chelsia can't be around Natalie is because she does not like those type of girls at home. They don't click. There's no need for her to be friends with her.
Also, Chelsia regrets voting James back in the house.
I haven't listened to anything Natalie has said because I'm sure it's along the lines of "she's jealous," "matty hates her," and "she's slutty."
Here's some video from earlier.
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