The correspondent of Trud-7 “Galya Galkina met with the actors at the Fairmont Miramar in Santa Monica.
- All people are talking about your love with Robert Pattinson scenes in this movie. And how do they remember you?
Reese Witherspoon: During the filming of Robert terribly cold. I’ve never had to act in romantic scenes with such a cold partner. He squelched the nose and in the frame, and behind the scenes. I would say that was a bit disappointed, because I’m waiting for this moment forward (laughing).
Robert Pattinson: It splashed disinfectant while filming romantic scenes – to me, and wherever she could.
RU: Yeah, it was not very sexy.
- Robert, what was so interesting in the character of Jacob Jankowski, that you decided to play it?
R.P: I’m probably a bad answer to this question – it was a genuine surprise. I met with the director Francis Lawrence in elephant reserve where he lives Taya, who played the elephant Rosie. I spent some time with her, that same night, read the script, “Water for Elephants”, and when he learned that the movie will play Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz, I immediately agreed.
- Reese, whether you loved animals as a child and what kind of relationship you have developed with the animals on set, especially with Taya?
RU: Yeah, it was a major trump card magic by Francis Lawrence! He told me: “Come with me to the elephant sanctuary.” Like Robert, I could not say no once met with Taya. As a child, I’ve traveled on horseback. But this has nothing to do with riding on an elephant – bareback, in tights and holding only one hand!
- A Taya, you listen to?
RU: It was one of my first question: “Taya to be heard?” And the director replied: “No!” “Well, she does anything, if I ask her?” – “No!” And Then I explained that we are just props in the world of elephant Taya, and she only listens to his coach, Gary!
- Have you ever dreamed to run away with the circus?
RU: You know, actors are many and hard work, but to us the circus away. They do not recognize fatigue and injury and did not pay attention to the deterioration of our bodies. In the circus just amazing ethics working relationship: every couple of days, the circus moves to a new place, they have no base, as well as the final destination. Of course, there are similarities with the actors – it is in the spirit of camaraderie and feeling of one family, which usually arises on the set, especially when you’re there for three to six months. Or two years, as Robert, and maybe all of five years – I do not know exactly how much time he spent on the set of “Twilight.”
- Reese, tell me about the style of her character, Marlena rider. And what it was – a plunge into the fashion of the 1930?
RU: Well, Jacqueline West created all the costumes, she’s just amazing in his attention to detail. She has collected numerous illustrations of the circus the 20′s, 30′s and has created evening dresses and costumes for performances. Doing it manually every suit and embroidered with beads.
- And as you ready to shoot?
RU: I watched a lot of movies the 20′s, 30′s, and particularly drew attention to the behavior of women and their facial expressions, because women then were kept in a different way. And I think that I even began to sit and stand differently, for example, keeping one hand on her hip. And the tone of my voice changed too. I had a dream to make this fabulous accent 30-ies, but Francis Lawrence on the first day told me: “I think you should not do it, I just do not understand what you’re saying!” (Laughs.) I was really in love with this accent, apparently, I was influenced Jean Harlow.
- Reese, do you have any of elephant Taya special relationship and come to Your Kids
on the set, to meet with her?
RU: Yeah, my kids came, and, of course, I’m very close to her. When we finished working with it, it seems to me that not only I but the whole crew was fascinated by these dumb, but very warm relations with other living creature. This is just incredible!
- Do you have in mind, perhaps, all sorts of stories related to Taya.
RU: We had a night shoot, and the next day Taya came very tired. I asked her from what she was so tired. I answered: “It does not get enough sleep, because telling the other elephants, what does all night.” Indeed, Taya lived with six other elephants, and when she returned late at night, then they have a whole hour talking to each other, which reminded of the roar.
- Was it difficult to shoot one last scene, when they fled from a circus in a panic?
RP: The animals look pretty quiet, when they had to rush in a panic. Remember, the camel just would not budge. Can you imagine 500 people running around screaming, and camel, apparently shows a straight face camel.
- Reese, have you ever worked with Robert before and whether you are a fan of films from the Twilight series?
RU: We have worked with Robert earlier in the film “Vanity Fair” and now it seems ridiculous, because I played with his mother. I was 27 years old, and he was 17. It was quite unlikely that he was my son.
RP: Besides my hero as a child had red hair and freckles (laughs).
RU: I completely forgot the story, until I was someone reminded her: “Oh, I heard that you played his mother in one picture?” And I answered: “What do you mean, this guy from “Twilight”? What do you mean? “(Laughs.)
- Robert, it is difficult if you were playing with two oskaronostsami – Reese and Christopher?
RP: (Shutit.) Yes, they did nothing that talked about their “Oscar” (laughs). This is very scary – it becomes uncomfortable, and you lose confidence in yourself (laughs). No, actually they are very kind people, especially in relation to such an amateur like me (laughs).
- Robert, what do you know about the circus before they took up this role?
RP: I was in the circus once in my life, so my whole idea of it evolved from what I saw when I drove by. Remember when driving past one of circus in Portugal, and he looked just the most horrible place that I have ever seen in my life. Basically they looked like such a strange gypsy camp, especially in London. And there is in them something that scares you (laughs). But this is also their appeal. And the movie, and any other cultural events have now become very affordable – they can even see the phone. But if you want to go to the circus, you have to enter into another world, enter into a dark tent. In my opinion, it is much more interesting. It is much more mundane version of the theater, if only because people can get hurt.
- Reese, and see if your newly-made man, this movie that you have a romantic scene with Robert?
RU: I still have no one to ask such a question! (Sarkasticheski.) Do you really want to know?
RP: (Turns to Reese and to paraphrase the question.) Do you throw a man after you were married a week, if you watch this film?
RU: My girlfriend is creased at me and said: “If you tell them anything you say, it will immediately appear in the newspaper headline” Reese neglects her husband. ” As I said, Rob was very ill – so green and infection. Horror!
Source Translation: spunk-ransom
Via robstenru
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