As I watched James pleading his case earlier today he seemed to be losing the battle, Natalie and Ryan were tag teaming James in the HoH room in front of Adam.

Shortly after that James broke down in tears, saying he had been broken, Natalie gave him a hug and Adam said he was safe and would not go up. Right then Natalie was called to the Diary Room which left James and Adam alone to continue talking.
James continued to talk to Adam and they solidify their bond.
Then Adam was apparently called to the Diary Room and he was not allowed to leave until the other HGs were locked outside - preventing him from talking to Ryan and Natalie any more.
I did not witness Ryan or Adam being called to the Diary Room but the feeds were getting shut down at various points during all these goings-ons.
Now Adam has said that Big Brother would not let him out of the Diary Room before nominations and they kept telling him, "Its best for you, its best for you." (To not nominate James - this is what Adam says he was being told by the production staff)
They are now concerned that the POV will be tailored for James - they seem to feel that the last one was slanted to help James - but I am not sure how.
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