While it's commonplace for Big Brother contestants to wonder what America thinks about each of them, I think this season's cast is easily the most obsessed. Many of them think they're going to walk out of the season finale as stars; others have a bit more realistic view of what lies ahead for them.
This Wednesday, the house guests will see the first real indicators of America's opinion when the HOH competition involves the results of a CBS.com poll. Well, it's true they sort of got a glimpse with the "Mystery Guest" fiasco, but even two weeks later they don't understand why America wanted Alex back in the house.
I think the aftermath of this competition will be very interesting. I doubt if the guys really care, as they seem pretty level-headed, as does Sharon. It's the other two I'm worred about. Will Sheila and Natalie's heads explode if by chance it appears that America does love them? Or conversely, how shattered will they be if they don't come out of this looking so good?
Here are the questions from the CBS.com poll:
1. Which candidate’s word would you trust the most?
2. Which candidate would most likely forget the words to the Pledge of Allegiance?
3. Which candidate would you most want leading you into battle?
4. Which candidate would most likely name a holiday after themselves?
5. Which candidate would spend the most time in front of the mirror before a press conference?
6. Which candidate would most likely re-carve Mount Rushmore to include only their face?
7. Which candidate could best talk their way out of a scandal?
8. Which candidate would give the most inspiring speech?
9. Which candidate would be in most need of a makeover?
10. Which candidate would you be most embarrassed to take to a fund raiser?
11. Which candidate would most likely win an election based on their looks?
12. Which candidate would most likely lock themselves out of the White House?
13. Which candidate would most likely stop their motorcade to let a squirrel cross the road?
14. Which candidate would most likely give their Big Brother winnings to a charity?
15. Which candidate would most likely sell their life story to a tabloid?
16. Which candidate’s biography would be the most interesting to read?
17. Which candidate’s sense of humor would most likely win you over?
18. Which candidate is most likely to have their constant gossiping get them into trouble?
19. Which candidate would most likely grace the cover of a fashion magazine?
20. Which candidate would most likely be impeached due to a scandal?
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