Matt is telling Joshuah how he feels. I know Matt doesn't like Natalie, or want to fuck her, but he will stick up for her when she doesn't stick up for herself. "Stick up for herself" meaning she won't degrade them in the way they yell at her. I'm very surprised Natalie hasn't begun crying yet, which means she's mentally stronger than we all thought.
She is busy looking for her bible though, which is her source of strength.

Back to Matt. He's very upset with the way Joshuah is talking to women in the house, and hopes that his mom is proud of the son he raised.
Thinking forward, I believe any of the evicted houseguests who are sequestered will side with Ryan and his new crew. Remember folks, there is someone coming back (ALEX PLEASE). Alex has been HOH once. Alex will side with Matt. Without a doubt. This isn't looking good for Joshuah and Scott's girl Chelsia.
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