In some respects, I can understand why Ryan is attracted to the "bros" alliance. He and Adam have been friends from the beginning, and he's also one of the few who enjoys Matt's bullshit.
But is this a smart move for him? I don't think it is. Sheila's no real threat in the game; neither is Adam (despite his second place finish last week). Matt keeps bragging about how strong he and Natalie were, but they only have 2 POV's (with Amanda supposedly throwing one of those). Meanwhile, the "other" side has two HOH and POV victories.

Plus, Matt is unlikely to stay true to his word. His entire game plan has been to suck up to whomever is HOH. If Chelsia, Sharon, or James/Joshua (depending on this week's eviction) wins next week's HOH, Ryan will immediately be a distant memory.
Don't forget - everybody from that group promised Ryan two weeks without nomination if he puts up Matt. He doesn't have similar assurances from anybody on his side.
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