Chelsia is asking Adam if he's with Matt, Ryan, and Natalie. He's lying to her, of course, and saying he's with himself.
Matt came out and ask for a hug from Chelsia, and she said she wouldn't give him a hug. Chelsia says that Natalie came up with the plan, and not "the four" people keep talking about.
Chelsia is pretty mad right now, and rightfully so. She knew yesterday something was going to happen to screw them over, and she was right. James was put up on the block.
Chelsia claims that the entire house was giving Ryan a two week limit, and that Ryan made a mistake and he's going to suffer because of it. She keeps saying "Don't underestimate me." Ryan feels that he was being manipulated and that's why he put James up.
I think Chelsia is most pissed because now she knows the person who she trusts the most is probably going home.

It's very tense in the house right now, and I feel an argument or two coming on.
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