At the Sundance screening of The Runaways, Kristen Stewart was asked about her on screen kiss with Dakota Fanning, as I'm sure she will be another eleventy billion times. "It's just something we did" said Stewart, which sounds like an equivalent to "meh."
She goes on to say that it was not nearly intimidating as the other things they did that day like performing (the actresses learned to play and sing The Runaway's songs for the movie) in front of Joan Jett. That experience was "Horrible!" The Twilight star explains "She was actually kind of getting upset with me. She was like 'Ya gotta relax.' [But] I kept telling her 'I can't do it until we shoot it. Like I literally can't." Here's the two stars posing with director Floria Sigismond for The Runaway portraits at Sundance. Check out the interview with Access Hollywood video after the jump, where the two talk about the kiss and working with the Jett and Cherie Currie. Well, really Stewart talks while Fanning stays mostly mum, which is not at all what I would have imagined.
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