
Twilight Costumes Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Auction

November 6 at Universal Studios Globe Theatre in Hollywood, Profiles in History will hold a special auction to benefit Variety-The Children's Charity of Southern California. Many studios will offer at auction items of Tron film, GI Joe, Twilight, Transformers 2, Coraline Chronicles of Narnia at the sale. More info later in the article ...
Profiles will also join the association of Michael J. Fox to raise money for research on Parkinson's disease. The creator of the Back to the Future trilogy, Bob Gale, will offer pieces from his personal collection. The sale will continue with the auction of objects of filming the series Stargate SG-1 that has not been sold at auction Stargate held on last weekend by Propworx.
This sale will offer new unique among the 152 pieces available to collectors:
  • a remake of the original car K2000
  • an original ticket from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
  • an animatronic 'Daffy' after the shooting of Gremlins 2
  • Star Wars poster autographed by the six main actors
Source: MovieObjects


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