
Movie Mistakes:'Eclipse'


When Bella pushes Edward down in the grass in the first meadow scene, his hand is on her neck. When the angle changes, his hand is on her waist.

In the first meadow scene in the beginning of the movie when Bella and Edward are talking about marriage, she pushes him to the ground. His hand is on her face as she talks, the scene changes to a wide shot and his hand is now on her waist, but the conversation continues as it should.

In the "Be honest with me" scene, when Edward is trying to explain to Bella why she should not become like him, he states, "You'll always be my Bella". He sets his left hand on the right side of her head - in the first shot his left thumb is on top of her hair, when it cuts to a shot over Edwards left shoulder looking toward Bella his thumb is beneath her hair; cut back to the first shot and the thumb is on top of her hair again.

In the last scene where Edward and Bella are sitting in the sunny field, Edward is not sparkling.

The Cullens are watching a news report about the violence in Seattle. It is night time in the report, and the reporter says "this is CNN live.". Cut to the Cullens watching the newscast, and it is daylight out. Forks and Seattle are both in western Washington, it could not be night in one place and day in the other.

Just after Victoria has been killed, Edward goes over to Bella to bandage the cut she made on her arm, tying the fabric around her wrist. However, when Bella cut herself, it was on the inside of her elbow, not her wrist.

Just like in New Moon, Bella's scar from James biting her is on the wrong side of her arm.

Vampires bodies are not meant to change, but Jasper's hair is longer in Eclipse than it was in New Moon and Twilight.

At various times during the movie Bella's hair is different (she is wearing a wig due to her hair being cut for her role in "The Runways"). You can notice it from the high angle when she walks to her truck the first time she goes to see Jacob, then various times during the movie her hair seems to be darker sometimes and her hairline moves as well.

When Jacob is injured by the newborn vampire in the final battle, the Cullens and the Quileutes are crouched around him. The top of Jacob's flesh-colored body suit is quite visible at his waist; he is supposed to be nude after phasing back into human form.

Spoiler! When Victoria's head is popped off by Edward, who has killed her, her eyes are open. Seconds later, from another angle, her eyes are closed.

After killing Victoria, Edward rips off a piece of Bella's shirt to tie around her bleeding arm. If you look at where he rips her shirt, the seam is visible where the fabric has already been cut and loosely reattached; there is a long horizontal wrinkle where it doesn't hang right from the rest of the shirt.

When Bella's talking to her dad on the sofa early in the movie, watch her right ear. Sometimes there's hair covering it, sometimes it's clear, and sometimes there's a chunk of hair hanging in front of it.



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