Kay Panabaker, the actress Jackson’s gonna work with in “No Ordinary Family”, mentioned him in an interview. You can read this part below:
PW: Can’t imagine that makes dating very easy.
Kay: No [laughs]. Not at all. But it’s fun because I’m on my fourth love interest by episode seven. It’s great seeing the true nature of boys and what they think.
PW: And one of them is Trent, played by Jackson Rathbone, right?
Kay: Yes. In that episode my power evolves. I don’t want to ruin how, but it goes to the next level. I love working with him but I think it’s funny they keep casting 25 year olds to play my best friends and boyfriends. I keep thinking – she’s 16, I’m 20, what’s going on here? [laughs] I’m used to it though being in this business, I mean my first kiss was with Zac Efron when I was 13 and he was 16.
PW: So kissing you is the key to superstardom?
Kay: I’d like to think so – on screen kisses only [laughs]. Have your character kiss my character and you’ll be rocketed to stardom.
*“No Ordinary Family” premieres tonight at 8pm on ABC.*
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