We all make clumsiness, although some are worse than others. I, for one, believe that most clumsiness in which it is to incur too distracted while walking, so many times I've spent a few blocks from my destination, or I've seen on the ground after crashing into a pole. The clumsiness is part of our lives, but there, perhaps our time would be very boring.
Celebrities, even if they seem, are also clumsy. Vanessa Hudgens for example, she has always told stumbles to walk, causing him very much, because it deals with a story of the movie "Beastly." "
I fall 24 hours, 7 days a week and it's funny, because one of the lines my character (in 'Beastly') is' I can hardly walk without fall' and they have like four shots of me walking to my position and cayendome. Do not do it on purpose. I'm just very clumsy. Really I am. But, to be honest, I think all the dancers are the largest clumsy. I do not know why, but it's true. "
I wonder who will be responsible for soberly legs or whatever Vanessa when it hits fall. If you have a wizard for that, I offer myself, but probably very clumsy for that task.
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