
Borders Exclusive ‘Twilight Saga: New Moon’ DVD With Medallion

Much like last year, Bor­ders has just released an exclu­sive Twi­light Saga: New Moon DVD com­plete with a medal­lion fea­tur­ing the wolf pack tat­too and the Cullen Crest, exclu­sive and extended scenes that were pre­vi­ously unre­leased, red car­pet footage, and much more! Check it all out below (includ­ing pic­tures and details) and get your credit cards ready to pre-order!

• Exclu­sive pack­ag­ing that com­pli­ments our exist­ing Bor­ders Exclu­sive Twi­light pack­ag­ing. Exclu­sive medal­lion neck­lace gold side with wolf-pack tat­too, sil­ver side is the Cullen crest on a sil­ver chain. • Exclu­sive con­tent –Includes pre­vi­ously unre­leased EXTENDED SCENES; INTERVIEWS with cast mem­bers Robert Pat­tin­son, Kris­ten Stew­art, Tay­lor Laut­ner, The Cullen Fam­ily, The Wolf Pack, The Vol­turi and Direc­tor Chris Weitz; unri­valed RED CARPET FOOTAGE from the movie pre­miere; front row seats to The Twi­light Saga: New Moon WEBCAST.

• Other con­tent: Addi­tional Spe­cial Fea­tures Include: A reveal­ing AUDIO COMMENTARY with Direc­tor Chris Weitz and Edi­tor Peter Lam­bert; a riv­et­ing 6-PART DOCUMENTARY that takes you behind the scenes; exclu­sive band REHEARSAL FOOTAGE with Muse; and MUSIC VIDEOS from Death Cab for Cutie, Anya Marina and Mutemath.

Pre-order the DVD through here.

via Twi­lighters Anonymous via Thinking of Rob


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