This will be one of the big movies of 2012 .... The actor from the "Twilight" saga has replaced Colin Farrell in the distribution of "Cosmopolis," the film adaptation of the novel from Don De Lillo visionary.
It had to be a filmmaker of the caliber of David Cronenberg to tackle such a project. Roman cult of the great American author Don De Lillo, "Cosmopolis" told with a force unheard of visionary New York before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the global crisis, as already at the brink. To embrace the announced end of an empire and the incredible folly of the modern world, the author of "Libra" followed the footsteps, or rather treading water in a limousine Golden Boy of 28 years, Eric Packer, who must cross the Big Apple for an important appointment at the hairdresser ....
As fascinating as it is, adapt "Cosmopolis" in the image is real gamble, both metaphorical writing Don De Lillo and construction of the labyrinthine narrative tribute to the "Ulysses" by Joyce, ahead impossible to transcribe. But David Cronenberg has been brilliantly adapted for the cinema of the novels that were considered impossible to film "Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs, "Dead Ringers" by Bari Wood and Jack Geasland (the original novel titled "Twins"), "Crash" by JG Ballard, or more recently the fantastic graphic novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke, A History of Violence.
A bold choice
To embody the face of evil capitalist David Cronenberg had initially thought of Colin Farrell, the great actor of the "New World" and "Miami Vice." In May 2010, an announcement was even made in this direction, in the very official newspaper "Variety" on the sidelines of the Cannes Festival. But the project has fallen behind in terms of production, the Irish actor has finally given up the role, preferring the remake of "Total Recall". Never mind. Thursday, Paulo Branco and the production company Alfama Films, which co-produced the feature film, formally announced the selection of Robert Pattinson to embody Eric Packer, confirming the rumors.
For the young actor, he is a new impetuous to his career, which embraces the eyes of teenagers around the world, the vampire Edward Cullen in "Twilight." The one who played Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", has always wanted to break his pretty boy image, even if he has not played roles in commercial films yet. In "Cosmopolis," it will give the reply to Marion Cotillard, who plays his wife on screen, although she is older than her partner (35 years against 24). The filming will start in Toronto May 23, 2011.
parismatch via
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