When I think about the lifestyle of any member of royalty, eat immediately to mind and Do Not Know Why, a lot of servants. Because I must be used to them see well. Even in films that deal with Royal Houses, We see people waiting for What Many kings, princes, Dukes, or any Other environment or character in That Need to ask.
But my perception could happily begin to change thanks to the lovely future marriage Kate Middleton and Prince William have not decided to servants.
According To sources close to Buckingham Palace, the bride and groom spend their lives as normal as possible. Kate Middleton does the shopping and cooking, while the Prince Comply with work as a helicopter pilot Issues, near the farmhouse they share four rooms in North Wales, and will continue their residence, after the wedding events of April 29, 2011.
It's good to know These Things! I really very happy to know That There are People That Despite all the power you have, enjoy a life That Fits Within the parameters of ordinary people like us.
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