Now they are leaving the backfire, as the company responsible for the card, Revenue Resource Group, is suing for the exorbitant sum of $ 75 million dollars to them and their mother, Kris Jenner. The lawsuit says the trio of girls signed an agreement for two years with the company, so we want to get paid for breaking his promise to sponsor the deceptive card.
One of his lawyers told E! who have broken the deal and all the negative publicity that came out about it, "put the company on the verge of bankruptcy."
"Card Kardashian" was released on November 10, with much publicity. At the time, the sisters said they were "excited to create our own financial product."
However, using the card will cost $ 59.95 for six months or $ 99.95 for the entire year. That money does not include any balance on your card. Also, after that year, the use of the card involved a charge of $ 7.95 per month. To withdraw money from any ATM, they charge you $ 1.50 extra, and if you only check your balance, they charge you a dollar. Ouch!
Now if you want to call an executive on phone for any questions or doubts will cost you $ 1.50 per call. If you were already sick of both office and wanted to cancel, that will cost about $ 6 additional.
After an investigation into all these objections, the University National Bank, creators of the card, confirmed that it stopped selling. Those who have acquired can recover their money, including charges that have been done with it.
This demand that their path to the sisters as well be overstated, they do not come any good, considering they are losing money in other businesses, such as a boutique in Manhattan, Dash, who apparently is not as successful as before. Still need to see how the sisters react to this demand, but we assume they will have a great defense.
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