The Twilight Saga Got 33 Points From The Globe (Brazil)
Even with dubbing that gave the talk, the BDI website posted a short article talking about audience that Twilight had on Globo Channel and compared to the other channels that exhibited programs in the same time schedules. See:
The first movie of "The Twilight Saga" aired 29/12, in Globo Channel, and had record audience. The drama played by Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) in the plot that keeps bringing disagreements, criticism and a lot of hysteria on the Internet, reached 33 points and hit a record average. The film surpassed "Norbit" which was the largest audience in "Tela Quente" (Hot Screen) until then - who scored 32 points. The Globo Channel has already secured the rights to broadcast the whole saga. "New Moon", which is showing at Telecine Premium - on pay TV - will be the next blockbuster to be displayed at the end of 2011. The Record was second in the timetable with 9 points on average, followed by SBT with 4 points.
translation thanks, for send us to: mayrapatkitty and noticiasrobertpattinson
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