
Ryan and Adam's Eviction Conversation

Here's the conversation Indymike wrote about in the earlier post.

Adam: So did you marinate at all last night?
Ryan: No way. I just went to bed. Something has to come to me.
Adam: It's a crucial decision. I wanna help our numbers...
Ryan: I think it's better for our numbers to get Sharon out...

Ryan: Whatever happens, we need HoH.
Adam: Again.
Ryan: Again.
Ryan returns to pushing for Sharon out. Adam returns to countering...
Adam: Think me n Sheila'll getta prize for being the last couple in the house?
Ryan: You're gettin' nothin', kid.
Adam: How're we gonna do this, dude? This is a critical point in our lives... Joshuah or Sharon? I'm gonna tell him, yeah you're gonna promise me this, but do I believe you, is my question.
Ryan: What's Natalie leaning towards?
Adam: Joshuah.
Ryan: To go?
Adam: Yeah.
Ryan: Well, of course. She's gonna lean towards the girl...


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