
Josh Wants A Penalty Nomination.

Joshuah is talking to Natalie - he tells her he has a new plan - he went in the Diary Room crying and he had a revelation - he says that if he eats regular food he will have a penalty nomination next week and will not be allowed to participate in the next HoH or PoV and he will be nominated next week (if he stays).

I am not 100% sure this will go down but his thought is that this will guarantee him another week and in the house and Sharon will go hom. Natalie is all for the plan - so sometime tonight he plans on faking a break down and eating a huge hamburger - Natalie will act surprised and then she will see he will have a pentalty nomination and will use it as an excuse to keep him in the house. He has left the book open to the page in the rule book for Natalie to find it easily.

Joshuah has only told Natalie about this plan - he hopes that the others will keep deciding to keep him. Kept Jameka in for a few weeks I suppose - but it will not win him the game.

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