
Could This Be Double Eviction Week? God, I Hope So

James and others have questioned if this may happen. It probably won't (and I pray it doesn't occur during Nat's magical "9" eviction night), but I have a scenario I'd love to see.

First, the boys see that it's in their best interest to give the boot to Sharon. Then, after a quick HOH that sees James or Josh as the victors, Sheila and anybody are put on the block. Sheila is unanimously booted, and then I don't care what happens next.

Why do I love this scenario? Well, Sheila HAS to go, and the sooner the better. Yet we all know what she's like when she's on the block - easily ten times more annoying than when she's not up (and doing the same things that she's currently whining about Joshuah's campaigning). This way we get rid of her with just a few minutes of tears.

Oh please, make it happen.


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