
Special Zimbio: The Best of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (Pics)


Both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were relatively unknown actors before they landed the lead roles in Twilight. Rob had a minor role in Harry Potter, while Kristen had small parts in flicks like Panic Room and The Messangers, but that all changed thanks to a vampire love story. In September 2008 these two started posing together, and it didn't take long for romance rumors to soar!

The Rob and Kristen dating rumors are partly fueled by the media, mostly fueled by the fact that these two work side-by-side, constantly pose together, and they're just SO cute! We realize a few of these things are unavoidable, but come on now. They're meant for each other, no?

We have to hand it to them: Rob and Kristen typically look flawless on the red carpet. He's got the moppy locks and "don't-mess-with-me" 'tude, while she admittedly hates having her picture taken but still manages to look stunning. Here they are at the Twilight premiere in California back in November 2008. Can you believe 2 years have gone by already!?


All Pics : Zimbio


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