
New Details On Rob Pattinson & Kristen Stewart’s New Year’s Eve — Police Were Called!

Rob &; Kristen’s romantic weekend on the Isle of Wight turned into a fan frenzy!

It’s official: Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, are never safe from Twi-hards. The couple, on a break from filming Breaking Dawn, were “hoping to blend in and not be noticed” during a romantic New Year’s Eve trip to the UK’s Isle of Wight, the largest island in South East England known for it’s natural beauty and gorgeous resorts — but things didn’t quite go according to plan, The Isle of Wight Gazette is reporting.

Rob and Kristen were reliving their romantic trip from last New Years Eve, which they also spent on the Isle of Wight. Along with 20 of their friends, Rob and Kristen had dinner Dec. 31 at the Spyglass Inn in Ventnor –and they loved the restaurant so much, they went back Jan. 1 and ate Jacket Potatoes and side salads. Jacket Potatoes, which cost about $12 each, are baked whole in the oven with different fillings, some of which are prawns, chili, tuna, chicken, and cheese and beans.

It seems like the couple couldn’t have picked a more desirable location. The restaurant is perfect for an extravagant New Years dinner – the Ventnor is a beautiful seaside resort that was established in the Victorian era and was built on cliffs that lead down to the sea. The Spyglass Inn, a famous pub, gives amazing views of the English Channel and offers award-winning seafood dishes. The Spyglass boasts an extensive collection of seafaring items for diners to admire, and a menu of fresh seafood caught by local fisherman. The menu is heavy on the fish, including food such as king prawns, Fisherman’s Pie, lemon sole and tuna steaks.

According to a source from The Spyglass Inn, Rob and Kristen were recognized from last year by the staff, and they “mingled in really well with the locals.” The source said, “No one really bothered them inside the restaurant – they were pretty unnoticed.” That definitely wasn’t the case outside the restaurant!

Fans followed Robsten everywhere they went — and they came armed with camera phones. About 300 Twi-hards swarmed the couple at the Sea Breeze Cafe in East Cowes Jan. 2 and according to The Isle of Wight Gazette’s Twitter, police were called to the scene. A few of the fans that swarmed the cafe even got to meet Rob and Kristen – one fan tweeted that R-Patz’s friends seemed protective of him as the paparazzi tried to take pictures. Another fan was even lucky enough to get Rob’s autograph on a small blue doll – she wrote on Robsessed that Rob declined to take photos and said he was a “bit too pissed” (meaning he was a little drunk). The fan kept an eye on the couple, but didn’t see them kiss at midnight. The fan also got to talk to Kristen about The Runaways – and once Kristen knew she didn’t want a picture, the fan said the star “instantly relaxed” and they talked for a little while. spoke with an editor who was present during the frenzy, and he tells us Rob became upset and asked the crowd to leave him alone.



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